Agenda ile de france

  Du jeudi 25 février 2016 au samedi 27 février 2016

ICHB 2016 in Paris will be a unique neurocardiology conference, uniting cardiologists and Stroke specialists in order to explore the essential connection between cardiovascular health and brain function.

Paris - ile de france

The 3rd International Conference on Heart and Brain (ICHB 2016) will take place February 25-27, 2016 in the heart of the beautiful city of Paris, France. ICHB 2016 will bring together Stroke specialists and cardiologists from around the world to will explore the essential connection between cardiovascular health and brain function, presenting state-of-the-art research and breakthroughs.

New and interesting data is still being been accumulated regarding the relationship between the heart and the brain, and vice versa. New therapies continue to be developed and it is about time for the cardiologists and the Stroke specialists to talk, to learn from each other, discuss and exchange ideas, and benefit from each other's expertise. This is the main goal of ICHB and the scientific programme is designed to bring all the news from these two fields together, in one place to facilitate this exchange of knowledge.

Join the Scientific Committee - Pierre Amarenco, Natan Bornstein, John Camm and Philippe Steg - and your colleagues in Paris for this unique neurocardiology conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline: October 6, 2015
Early Registration Deadline: December 1, 2015

  site de l'événement

Lieu de l'événement
Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conference Center, 17 Boulevard Saint-Jacques, Paris, 75014, France
• Kenes International on behalf of the International Conference on Heart and Brain
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