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The ladies continue to prove that they hold all the search power.

lundi 19 décembre 2005

This marks the first time in the history of Lycos 50 year-end list, that three women make up the top three most-searched terms of the year.

Paris Hilton generated more searches than any other search term this year, as she consistently seems to mesmerize web users. Whenever Paris makes headlines offline, search activity skyrockets for her online. And 'get your mind out of the gutter,' people continue to search for more than just the infamous Paris Hilton sex tape.

Paris couldn't turn her head without folks searching for her. Then again, she's offered enough fodder to fuel a dozen search engines: Her brief fling with an exotic pet kinkajou (she is again toting around her tiny Chihuahua, Tinkerbell); her real feature film debut, (not that video!) House of Wax, in which she bites it; her not-my-best-friend-anymore feud with Simple Life co-star Nicole Richie; her fashion, perfume and even a watch line. That doesn't even touch her revolving door love life, from her engagement to Greek shipping heir Paris Latsis, then the inevitable break up and on and on...And there is more on the horizon for the hotel heiress when she drops an upcoming music album.

Right behind Paris is Pamela Anderson, who recently won acclaim as the most popular search term of the past decade, when we announced the top 50 search terms of the past 10 years in September. Paris and Pam routinely jump in and out of the top spot on our Lycos 50 weekly list and Britney Spears is never far behind.

Eminem is the most-searched man of 2005, generating 25 percent more searches than his protege 50 Cent, and 36 percent more popular than Usher. Some of the top men who normally appear on the year-end list are missing this time around. George W. Bush, Orlando Bloom, and Kobe Bryant have been replaced by Brad Pitt, Andy Milonakis and Bow Wow. Due in part to his break-up with Jennifer Aniston and his relationship with Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt makes the top 10 list of most-searched men for the first time ever.

The Simpsons dethrones American Idol this year, taking over as the most-searched television show of 2005. Search interest in American Idol dropped 63 percent compared to this time last year. Former American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson sees the biggest jump in search interest over the past year, although shy of making the top 10 women list.


The Top 100 search terms of 2005, with last year's rank in parentheses.

1. Paris Hilton (2)
2. Pamela Anderson (8)
3. Britney Spears (4)
4. Poker (10)
5. Dragonball (13)
6. Jennifer Lopez (28)
7. WWE (17)
8. Pokemon (33)
9. Playstation (24)
10. Hurricane Katrina (-)

More of Top 100 search terms of 2005 on Lycos 50 Daily Report with Dean

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